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Wednesday 3 February 2016

Year 7 Time Capsule

Our Year 7s completed a '2016 Predictions Time Capsule' yesterday. They were asked to answer questions based on their predictions for events throughout the year. This included how tall they might be and what new trend/craze might be happening! Today we had the pleasure of burying our time capsule, which will be dug up on the last day of school! 

Sunday 6 December 2015

Year 7 Swimming - Last Session!

Room 20 finishing off their safety lesson - trying to stay afloat with clothes on! 

Room 19 being prepped for theirs! 

Evaluating an article

“Sainsbury’s Christmas Advert is a dangerous and disrespectful masterpiece.” Discuss.


Nothing can change this: The First World War was a terrible, terrible thing. An unthinkable amount of people died, normal order was ignored for four years straight and people’s lives were wrecked.
But portraying all this was not the aim of Sainsbury’s Christmas Ad.  What the ad has done, is something The Guardian’s review has missed entirely. It has explored an aspect of horror that is very rarely spoken of. Hope. Yes, hundreds of poor soldiers were living in disgusting conditions, sleeping in holes, suffering from wounds and diseases, snow pouring into their trenches, but the fact that for just one night, they all didn’t care about any of this, shows a glimmer of hope near the beginning of large conflict.
Contrary to what the review says, the ad has shown The Western Front very realistically. The landscape is barren, cold and desolate, huge bomb craters dent the hills, and twisted barbed wire scatters the land. Although the soldiers are living in cut off holes with dirt for “beds”, they have made the best of their situation, gathered round makeshift fires and sung carols to keep each other happy. The ad perfectly captures the essence what the soldiers were feeling- The way Jim looks at the robin on the wire, watching the freezing snowflakes drift down in wonder, the smiles and laughter from games of football- the soldiers appreciate the little things in life after watching their world collapse around them.
So no. Sainsbury’s 2014 Christmas Advert has not “made the War beautiful”, but recounted the Human Race’s amazing ability to find beauty in the horriblest of places.

by Ollie McLean

Sunday 22 November 2015

Shotover Jet - Room 19

Thanks Shotover Jet for the awesome start to the week! Great fun and we were very fortunate with the weather.

Saturday 14 November 2015

Frankton Flyer Articles

After many months of research which started with looking at the Human Body the children created fertile questions to investigate further. There is a massive range of questions which were led by the chidlrens interests and passions. They also had to inquire into using the right publishing software and then find out more about the type of audience who read the Frankton Flyer. Here are some examples of the amazing work Year 7 have produced.

Cooking at home to support the family

Isaac has learnt a lot about food tech lately and wanted to share it with his family, not sure where this kind of food will affect his learning but it looks yummy! :)

New World

New World popped in to congratulate Isaac on his awesome research and work with food technology. They have now given him a $50 voucher to take it to the next level! What will he learn to cook next? What does his research say would benefit his learning?